Address: 460 W Hunt Club Rd Unit 102A, Nepean, ON K2E 0B8
Text neck is an actual condition that has developed with the advancement of technology such as smart phones and other hand held devices. As people have become connected to their devices almost 24/7 more and more people are developing neck issues. Walking, sitting and standing while hunched over reading and typing texts has made this complaint more and more common at Ottawa physiotherapy clinics from patients of all ages. Here are some tips to help you prevent text neck:
Head Weight
It might seem that your head weighs what it weighs. However the more you hunch, the heavier the positioning makes your head. A person who is standing upright has the average head weight of 12 pounds to support on their neck. However the more curved your neck is, in a hunched position, the more heavy the weight your neck must support resulting in weights that can vary from as much as 20 to 30 additional pounds. That’s a lot of weight and pressure on your neck. To test your curvature stand against the wall and see how far your head is from the wall. The back of your head should be no further than two inches away or you need to make a conscious effort to straighten your posture.
Break Away
For some, suggesting you put down your phone might seem impossible. However it is very important to try to give yourself a break from this unnatural position. Try looking at your phone less often in order to provide your neck relief from the tensional strain of looking at your device be it phone, laptop or tablet.
Eye Level
Position your device at eye level, instead of an arm’s length away. This will place less strain on your eyes and your neck.
Correct your Posture
Be more self-aware and take note of your posture. When you feel yourself slouching sit or stand up straight and lift that device up to eye level. Keep your chin in, head up, shoulders straight and closer to your spine and lift that chest.
Stretch your neck often by doing some head rolls, also take time to roll your shoulders and open up your chest and shoulders back for a nice break.
Ottawa physiotherapy can help keep your neck aligned, show you proper posture and teach you some exercises and stretches that will help prevent the pain and discomfort of text neck.